
Scoliosis is a complex three-dimensional deformity of the spinal column that produces radiological changes that can be seen on the X-ray and the clinical changes that can be seen with the naked eye. Depending on the site of onset, scoliosis causes different changes of clinical image. Also, change in people with scoliosis occurs in the balance of the body, so that the focus of the body is on the side where the main curve is also located, therefore progression occurs due to gravity that makes the additional problem in that case and increases the asymmetric load. For this reason we observe several parameters during the conservative (non-operative) treatment of scoliosis:

  • Clinical changes - resulting in a reduction in all asymmetries on the body as a result of scoliosis. This primarily refers to the reduction of the rib crest that can best be seen in the bow, then the restoration of body balance and overall visual improvement of the person. Any clinical change can be a good prerequisite for a radical change. By restoring the balance of the body we act to reduce or completely stop the progression of scoliosis, which is also considered positive result.
  • Radiological changes - improvement can be expressed numerically on an Xray image, in which we measure the difference in Cobb angle (angle of curvature), vertebral rotation, iliac bone level, the distance between the farthest vertebra of the scoliotic curve from the central line as well as the improvement of the balance itself. In cases where scoliosis is very progressive, stopping further bending of the spinal column and controlling the scoliotic curve is considered a positive result.

In adults who have completed growth and development, we are primarily based on eliminating pain, improving a person's functionality and the clinical picture. 

Regardless of the type of scoliosis, individuals who have not completed growth and development have a high chance of progression (worsening) of the existing curve. When treatment begins, the first and primary goal is to slow down or stop the progression, and then to reduce the existing scoliotic curve.


Clinical image

Pre & post treatment comparison photos


Pre & post treatment comparison x-ray images